Monday, September 17, 2012

Monday, Monday... can't trust that day

Monday...Monday, was one of those beautiful, almost Fall, low humidity days in South Georgia. A rarity and a teaser for those of us who endure the heat and humidity to live in our beloved neck of the woods. 

I spent a few minutes roaming the yard with camera in hand. 

Today was my day for insects... the butterfly was filled with nervous energy... tenaciously moving from one bloom to the other. The zinnias that I defamed late in August have rebounded! Supplying us with many spectacular blooms... on rather spindly branches!

The dragon flies were out in force. They much preferred the compost pile to the colorful flowers. Capturing this one's awesome little body parts and jointed legs was a stroke of luck! 

Hope you enjoyed your 
Monday, Monday... 

Right click below for a step into the past!
Monday, Monday - The Mamas and the Papas

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